Dynamo Plus

Dynamo Plus

Dynamo Plus

Concept Covered

Course Details

Course Name Dynamo Plus
Course Period Advanced Dynamo - Level 01- 30Hrs
Dynamo Geometry - Level 02- 30Hrs
No of Modules 20
Software Outlined Revit, Revit Dynamo, Python
Academic Qualifications Working Professionals in BIM Field
Certifications Company Certification | Embassy Attestation Certification

Course Synopsis

Dynamo Plus is designed for working professionals in BIM filed. Dynamo is a platform that works with Revit for visual programming. Instead of typing code, you create programs with Dynamo by manipulating graphic elements called 'nodes.' It is a programming approach best suited for Architectural, Structural, and MEP Engineers.

Dynamo and Revit can be used together to model and analyze complex geometries, automate repetitive procedures, eliminate human errors, and export data to files in Excel and other types of files that Revit usually does not support. With several pre-made scripting libraries, Dynamo can make the design process more efficient.

CADBIM centre offers 2 levels of project-oriented training which is intended to give the participants a complete knowledge about visual programming tool that work with Revit.

Advanced Dynamo - Level 01 - (30 Hrs).
Advanced Dynamo - Level 01 covers the dynamo software in detail for about 30 hrs. Concepts of Data Types, Node Behaviours, Node states, Dot Notation, List Management etc are covered in depth in a project oriented manner.

Dynamo Geometry - Level 02 - (30 Hrs).
Dynamo Geometry - Level 02 will train the particpants in all the geometric aspects. Topics such as Creating a plane, polygon, surface, solids along with Complex pattern based Adaptive components are covered.

The participants can operate with improved BIM capabilities in Revit by using Dynamo. Upon the fruitful completion of the training participants can confidently apply for various dynamo scripting jobs.

Our Salient Features

  • Exclusive and advanced training program for Working professionals.
  • International project oriented training modules.
  • Training by Internationally Experienced professional.
  • University approved Embassy attestation courses.
  • Corporate training facility for corporate / Government organisations.
  • Opportunity to interact with legends in the industry.
  • Online / Offline Training facilty avilable.
  • Life time Technical assistance.

For Enrollment

To enroll for Dynamo Plus Training, Please contact on the below provided numbers to arrange a meeting with our course counsellors and training experts or fill the enquiry form below our team will contact you back.

+91 807 88 99 1 99

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